How it all began...

In January 1989, a group of women gathered to form the "Point to Point Piecers". Their first formal meeting was held at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Warrenton, Virginia on May 2, 1989, with thirteen memebers in attendance.
In March 1991, the group decided on a new name, The Fauquier County Quilters (The Quilters). Shortly thereafter, the group adopted it's logo of the Fauquier County map and drafted by-laws which were adopted in April 1991. The Quilters decided that its business year would begin each May, kicked off by an annual business meeting and membership dues drive. Even in the early days, the group's founding mothers had a clear sense of where this guild should and would commit its primary energies and resources: to promoting, encouraging and educating about the art of quilt making, quilting history and heritage.